This Picture Of The Day is a clock. Yep, it is. I think it's fitting to doodle a clock during the last hour of the last day of my daily creativity blogging assignment. I'll get it done today, March 31st, but it won't get posted until after midnight because I am flying until then. I guess that's why I chose a clock to doodle for my Zentangle today (see post at the beginning of the month). Time does get away from me, as it does for most people I suppose. I've learned this past month that I can make TIME to do what I want, if I really want to. And I think that's the kicker for most people- learning to say yes to the things that really matter to you, and No, or Maybe Later, to the things that don't matter as much. Or NO to all of it. This is why my house is not spotless, and sometimes I'm still in my PJs at noon. Here's a link to a blog that I found interesting today. Dreama Tolle Perry is a writer and teacher, and an incredible artist, too! She hits the nail on the head for me and how life works most if the time, as far as passions and time management go. I think it's worth reading :-)
Hope you've enjoyed this last month of sharing art and thoughts with you. I'm planning to keep up the once a day creativity thing, just won't write about it everyday. But please check back or follow on FB. I'll use the extra time to post pictures, or doodle, or sleep :-) Thanks so much for taking the time to read my blog this month!! Hope you find TIME to do something crEaTivE today!!
DawnaIt's never too late to be what you might have been. Archives
May 2014
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