Did you see Harry Potter movies? Then you know what I'm talking about. It's that room that you go into that has EVERYTHING in it. Some things you need, and a whole bunch if stuff you don't but that is really REALLY cool. Well, that's where I was today. Heritage Antiques has to be the coolest antiques shop I have ever been in!! And did I mention it is an old Church? So I'm painting it. :-) Below is the beginning of it, but I will post the finished painting as soon as I get it done. I'm much further along than this picture now, but I don't want to spoil the "Big Finish". :-)
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Got home this morning!! After a little puppy love from my critters, lunch with my hubby, went to my studio. I was an ADHD crazy art lady - working on 5 things at once. I finished this big painting, 24 x 30 of a Dancin' Daisy :-) Also started a church, finished a heart, worked on a poster, and primed a canvas for a city scene. Tomorrow I hope to continue the madness. Hope you have a a wonderful weekend connecting to your passion!!!! I've learned a lot in the last 15 years or so about setting intentions, and creating the life you want. I have found that when I put a positive focus on something in my life, it seems to set the ball rolling and opportunities pop up out of no-where. For instance, this money I found on the plane. Just yesterday I was thinking that it had been a while since I had found any money on the plane while I was cleaning. Behold- money appears on the plane while I am cleaning. So today I'm thinking " It's been a while since I've won the powerball lottery..." Wish me luck. ;-) ![]() Well, today was a really good day. I am still working, was on call today for 5 hours at the airport this morning, but didn't go anywhere. While I was there I got to see a few of my favorite flight attendants and reconnect the way we do after long periods of not seeing each other. I love how that works with real friends. :) This afternoon I got some really good news! I am one of the runner ups for the Live In The Vineyard wine bottle label contest!! My design pictured here got me 2 tickets to the event at the beginning of April. (www.liveinthevineyard.com) So my hubby and I are taking a much needed vacation to Napa, California for the weekend! I'm really excited about it! Not bad for a last minute entry! Happy St. Patrick's Day! Fun day today! Served a lot of Baileys and coffee this morning :) Still have 3 days out for work, but am day-dreaming of painting more city scenes when I get home. This is a sketch of the Opera House and an old church that is now an antique store. I've been trying to figure out how to get these 2 landmarks together, since they in the same area, but not right beside each other. I wanted it to be a little curvy and funky, but couldn't get it figured out. But FINALLY, I think I have it set up right. It will be more quirky and "movey" (Dawna word), with music and such in the air when it's done.This sketch is a mess, but it gives me general guidelines to get the painting going. Now I'm just excited about it! What I'm really hoping for is some nice weather so I can go sit on the corner and paint it live. Come on Spring!!
Please comment and feel free to share with friends who enjoy artsy creative stuff! I'm always interested in hearing from people who enjoy my art! On a long flight between BWI and DEN I put down on "paper" (paper towel) what I have in my head for my next city scene of Lexington. When I first started coming here to visit my then-Boyfriend, now-Hubby, Theo, there was a huge GREEN SPACE, or open grassy area, in the middle if the city. There've been some legal issues with the land, build/don't build, stuff I don't know much about. In the meantime, the city was using it for festivals and such. I've been to St. Patty's parades/festivals, Halloween stuff, Thriller dances, and everything in between. But recently, the excavation of this wonderful area has begun. It's now a huge hole in the ground surrounded by chain link fence, and soon to be a big hotel, condo, shopping whatnot. (See below) So in order to remember what these great old buildings look like, when they could still be seen, and how the empty field used to fill will people, music, and laughter, I will paint a few of these scenes as I remember them. Above is the sketch of the first one. Just a rough outline, but I'm really happy with what I "see". Now I just wanna go home and paint! Instead, I'll sleep in MSP tonight. But at least I've got a good start on what's next on my canvas! A beautiful start to a Saturday!! Talk about creativity!! This is one VERY good reason to be up and working this early 😍 Grateful for this! And green beer...grateful for that, too. Have a great weekend! Today my creative endeavors once again revolved around food. My sweet hubby is sick with a cold :( so what better to fix him with than a batch of home made chicken soup?!?! So for today you get a recipe, from my kitchen and from my heart. ❤️ I used mostly organic stuff, but not all. I used what I had on hand. 1 box chicken broth, low sodium 2-3 cups carrots cut about 1inch long 3 cups fresh spinach 1 cup sautéed mushrooms 1tbsp crushed red pepper Garlic salt/powder 3 chk breasts cut in cubes and lightly seared in olive oil ❤️ Lots and lots if love ❤️ Throw it all in the crock pot on high and then go have coffee in the porch. Cook till chicken starts to fall apart. Then enjoy! Sometimes, being creative can be a struggle. Think "Writer's Block." That's when I know it's time to do what I call "feeding my soul." Today that's exactly what I did. I found this great book many years ago called "Paint Happy". It has been a great source of inspiration and has helped me to get out of a funk on more than one occasion. There's a particularly interesting activity where you use both hands at the same time to draw a symmetrical picture, like a flower or a heart or something. (See picture below) It makes you use both sides of your brain, takes focus and concentration, and stimulates visual perceptual centers and coordination areas. I find that it helps to get me thinking creatively. Try it! It seems to work best if you can do it with 2 different colors on a dry erase board or something like that. But paper and pen or pencil work just as well. Just tape the paper down so it doesn't move around while you work. Let the pencil/marker just flow over the paper, and always move both hands at the same time. Don't correct "mistakes", just let it become what it becomes. There's no wrong or right, good or bad, it's just an exercise for your mind. I'd love to hear how that works for you! Better yet, email me a picture!
A little grumpy today, tooth hurts, and not liking the cold. Went to my studio for a bit, painted some stuff I didn't like. Started over. Scraped that paint off, left it to be painted over. Rearranged the paintings on the wall. Questioned the logic in having a studio when all I wanted to do was go home, put on "Love Actually" and sit on the floor in the living room and paint. Went home. But this evening I made these funky clunky earrings. Eh... Ok I guess. Day wasn't a total waste- I made good spaghetti for dinner :-) Some days are just like that I guess. What do you do to get out of a funk? Comments? |
DawnaIt's never too late to be what you might have been. Archives
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